Poppy! The Japanese Styled Ozzy Child...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day!

Looky at all the pressies! A few were for Mumma & Dada but as you'd expect most were for me...WWWWHHHHHHEEEEEEEEE! Posted by Picasa


  • At 8:37 pm, Blogger Angela (Mama) said…

    Poppy I hear you are gonna be a big sister! Mama and I sure are jealous!
    So I bet your mum is too busy running after you and getting ready for the new babe that she doesn't have time to post more adorable pictures of you? Too bad because Mama and I need some new ones!
    By the way, your mum told my mama that you are a schoolyard bully- can you teach me some moves? This kid keeps stealing my race cars!


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